
Want to enrich the lives of kids? New course in Developing Youth Programs
HUSC 4308 Developing & Evaluating Youth Programs is a new course offered as part of the youth development concentration for students pursuing an interdisciplinary Bachelor of Science in Human Sciences. This concentration is recommended for students who are considering careers as out-of-school educators with non-profit organizations that support youth, family and community development. When combined with the 18-hour family and consumer sciences extension education concentration, the youth development concentration is particularly appropriate for students interested in careers with Cooperative Extension or 4-H.

The 18-hour minor in youth development provides a foundation in human development targeting developmental issues unique to adolescence. Students will learn to work with youth audiences, particularly in promoting comprehensive wellness and leadership development. The 18-hour family and consumer sciences extension education minor consists of extension-based program development and evaluation, including an internship.

For more information on this or other concentration areas in Human Sciences, please contact the COHS Advising Office, (806) 742-1180(806) 742-1180.

HUSC 4308 Developing & Evaluating Youth Programs
Course description:
(Prerequisite: HDFS 3316 or equivalent)
This study is designed for individuals who are preparing for careers as youth and/or community educators who are expected to deliver high quality, research-based programs in non-tradition/informal learning environments (i.e., out-of-school settings). The purpose of this course is to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop and evaluate informal youth development programs, and also the opportunity to apply course content to real life situations through structured service activities with a local youth leadership program.

Sara Dodd


College of Human Sciences
