
Russian Film Presentation and Q & A with Director
Blood is a documentary film by Alina Rudnitskaya. This vivid black and white film captures the daily routine of a Russian blood bank. Each day a small team packs a van full of supplies and heads out into the most remote corners of the countryside. Wherever the blood bank goes, the line of donors is always long. The cashier who hands out the 850 rubles ($26) for each donation stresses that the money is not considered payment, but for many this is an important source of income. The film is in Russian with English subtitles. The viewing will be followed by a Q&A session with Ms. Rudinskaya.

The International Cultural Center is located at 601 Indiana Ave. 

Sponsored by The CH Foundation, The Office of International Affairs, the Department of History, Classical and Modern Languages and Literatures, the Tech Russian Club, and the Russian Cultural Center "Our Texas."

Anthony Qualin


Classical and Modern Lang and Lit

Event Information
Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Event Date: 10/29/2014

International Cultural Center Auditorium
