
Senator Robert Krueger to lecture on Burundi, 12:00 p.m. Holden Hall 129, Feb. 9

The Texas Tech Department of History would like to invite you to a uniquely insightful lecture series on Africa today. Snacks will be provided at all the events, and you are welcome to bring your own. From February 6-9, we will host lectures by experts on modern Africa, in Holden Hall Room 129 on the Texas Tech Campus. A panel of all four experts will discuss American policy in Africa at 7:00 p.m. on February 7, in the Matador Room in the Student Union Building (SUB).

Lecture by Ambassador Tibor Nagy: “Priorities for American Policy in Africa Today”

Monday, February 6, 12:00 Noon, TTU Holden Hall Room 129

Ambassador Nagy was a Foreign Service officer, and the former US Ambassador to Ethiopia and Guinea.  He is currently Co-Chair of the Africa Policy Committee for Mitt Romney.


Lecture by Dr. Douglas Johnson: “The Context of South Sudan's Independence: Ending One War and Starting Another?”

Tuesday, February 7, 12:00 Noon, TTU Holden Hall Room 129

Dr. Johnson was a member of the Abyei Boundaries Commission, and is the author of several books about Sudan, including The Root Causes of Sudan's Civil Wars and When Boundaries become Borders: The Impact of Boundary-Making in Southern Sudan's Frontier Zones.


Expert Panel Discussion: “American Policy in Africa Today”

Tuesday, February 7, 7:00 p.m., Matador Room, TTU Student Union Building (SUB)


Lecture by Dr. Ahmed Samatar: “Journey to Mogadishu: Reflections on the Somali Catastrophe”

Wednesday, February 8, 12:00 Noon, TTU Holden Hall Room 129

Dr. Samatar is the founding Dean of the Institute for Global Citizenship at Macalester College in Minnesota and the author of several books on international politics in Africa, including Somalia: State Collapse, Multilateral Intervention, and Strategies for Political Reconstruction


Lecture by Senator Bob Krueger: “Confronting Genocide: Bloodshed to Hope in Burundi”

Thursday, February 9, 12:00 Noon, TTU Holden Hall Room 129

Senator Krueger is a former US Senator and Ambassador to Burundi and Botswana. He is also the author of From Bloodshed to Hope in Burundi: Our Embassy Years during Genocide.


Sponsors: The Cross-Cultural Academic Advancement Center, The Office of International Affairs, The CH Foundation, The Honors College, The History Department, The College of Arts and Science, and the Tech Student Democrats.

Paul Bjerk



Event Information
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Event Date: 2/9/2012

Holden Hall Room 129
