
OLLI Presents New York World’s Fair April 19 and 26, 2017 at 5:30 p.m.

This two part class will view and evaluate the “Future” as envisioned at the New York World’s Fair of 1939-40 in two films. During the first session we will view The World of Tomorrow, a documentary observing the 50th anniversary of the Fair. We’ll examine the idea behind the Fair, the planning and construction, and the two years of operation. The Fair was a vision of hope as the country was emerging from the Depression, only to see that hope dashed as war clouds gathered and much of the world was at war by the Fair’s closing in the autumn of 1940. Well before 9/11 a terrorist attack occurred at the Fair - this little known event will be reviewed.

The second session will include a short film The City. This movie was shown at the Fair as a vision of the city of the future through urban planning. The soundtrack is by Aaron Copeland. A segment of this film is shown in The World of Tomorrow. We will discuss the semi utopian plan for new cities proposed and built during the Roosevelt years and where they stand today.

· April 19 and 26, 2017

· 5:30-8:00pm

· Fee: $30 for OLLI members

· Location: Garden and Arts Center 44th St. & University Ave.

· Instructor: Bill Pesetski

If you wish to obtain a catalog or would like to view all of the non-credit offerings designed for adults age 50+ from OLLI for this spring semester, call 806-742-6554 or visit


Shelby Crews


Alumni Association

Event Information
Time: 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Event Date: 4/19/2017

Garden and Arts Center at 44th St. & University Ave.
