
2017 Grantsmanship Symposium at ESB #120 on Tuesday, Feb. 28, 1:30-5:00 pm

You are invited to attend the 2017 Grantsmanship Symposium at ESB #120 on Feb. 28, 1:30-5:00 pm, with keynote speaker Dr. Nelson Cowan and NIH, NSF, DoD, & Foundation Panel Sessions!

Dr. Cowan is Curators' Distinguished Professor, University of Missouri and Professorial Fellow, University of Edinburgh. He has  280 publications and 5 books,and over 30 years of funding experience by National Institute of Health. He is the Editor of Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.

His talk - My Mind and My Shadow will address one of the mysteries of human behavior, the contrast between the very small limit in how much information can be held in the conscious mind at once and the broad capabilities that we all display when using language and solving problems. To explain this paradox, a major premise to be examined is that the conscious mind has an auxiliary helper, or shadow, in the form  of ready-to-use memory information relevant to the task at hand butjust outside of the focus of attention or conscious awareness. The parameters of the interaction of these conscious and auxiliary facets of the mind will be discussed with respect to research on adult working memory, brain function, and child development. Then he will lead a session - how research links to funding.

After that, there are 4 panel sessions about NIH, NSF, DoD, & Foundation. See flyer Announcement  below:

Contact: Dr. Yi-Yuan Tang at



Yiyuan Tang


Psychological Sciences

Event Information
Time: 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Event Date: 2/28/2017

Experimental Science Building (ESB) Room 120
