
Spring 2018 graduate level course: Neuroscience of Vision
Can you believe everything you see, or is your brain playing tricks on you? Why do so many people fail to see a giant gorilla that is right in front of them? Why do some people following brain damage within the visual system come to be “object blind,” “face blind,” or to have “blindsight” (i.e., the ability to respond to visual stimuli without conscious awareness)? What is the Jennifer Aniston cell, and does it really exist? In PSY 5001 (section 032; CRN 51801) Neuroscience of Vision, we will tackle these and many other fascinating questions about vision and visual awareness. This course will cover a wide array of topics, from how information is coded on the retina to how the brain “creates” our visual reality, while relying on studies utilizing a broad range of neuroscientific methods. Up to 50% of the human brain is devoted to processing visual information, so it is no wonder that it is the most commonly studied sense in cognitive neuroscience, while many aspects of visual perception and conscious awareness remain a mystery. Ultimately, students should come away from this course with an understanding of what we do know, as well as many of the exciting challenges that remain to be tackled.

PSY 5001 Neuroscience of Vision is being offered by Dr. Miranda Scolari in Spring 2018 on Mondays and Wednesdays from 1-2:20pm.

Got questions? Feel free to contact Dr. Scolari directly:

Miranda Scolari


Psychological Sciences
