
Opioids: Combatting Addiction with Chemistry
This national web broadcast is being provided by the American Chemical Society (ACS) and sponsored by our local ACS organization.  The event is produced by Chemical & Engineering News and features leading experts in addiction and the chemistry of opiates from organizations including the National Institute on Drug Abuse and Genentech.  Come join us for a special broadcast as it is explained what makes these compounds so addictive, the treatments and medications that are being used to help those who suffer, and profile the work that chemists are doing to make prescription pain killers safer and harder to abuse. Discover why this problem has become so widespread and how the power of chemistry can be used to fight the rising tide of addiction.

The main broadcast is 6-7 PM in CHEM 107 on the TTU main campus and at Reese Center, TIEHH, 1207 Gilbert Dr., Bldg 555 on Tuesday, Feb 27th with refreshments served starting at 5:45 PM.  Anyone is welcome at either location.  There is a Q&A session at the end.

Topics to be covered include:
  • How the current opioid crisis and epidemic came to be
  • What are the neurobiological pathways in addiction and the role of dopamine
  • What are the current clinical pharmacotherapeutic approaches to opioid treatment
  • How opioid addiction differs from other types of addictions 
  • The medicinal chemistry approaches that are being used to reduce the side effects and addictive potential of opioids by taking advantage of opioid receptor biology
  • Several novel alternative pathways and targets that are being investigated by medicinal chemists for alternative opioid treatment
  • Why translatability of preclinical models of pain and biomarkers are key hurdles in the development of better pain therapeutics

Robert Long



Event Information
Time: 5:45 PM - 7:15 PM
Event Date: 2/27/2018

CHEM 107 and Reese Center, TIEHH, 1207 Gilbert Dr., Bldg 555
