
Graduate Teaching Assistants needed for Identity Research

Why are you being asked to participate in this study?

You are being asked to participate in a study that seeks to examine the ways interactions shape identity development. Your participation in this study will be voluntary but will also depend on whether you are currently a graduate teaching assistant.


What is the purpose of this study?

The purpose of this study is to get a better understanding of the way interactions can shape identity. In this particularly study, the graduate teaching experience is being investigated to understand the way graduate teaching assistants communicate their identities.


What will you be asked to do?

Your participation will include completing a questionnaire. Time to complete the questionnaire will vary, but it is estimated that approximately 30 minutes should be adequate. Topics discussed will pertain to the graduate teaching experience and the interactions that take place in the graduate school setting.


What are the possible risks/discomforts?

The topics being discussed should have been reviewed and deemed suitable for discussion with minimal risk of discomfort. Should you feel uncomfortable and wish to withdraw from the study, you will be withdrawn and there will be no penalty.


Is participation mandatory?

Participation in this research study is strictly voluntary. If at any point you wish to be withdrawn from the study, your requests will be granted.


What will it cost to participate?

There are no costs for participation.


Who will see the information you give?

All information collected before, during, and after the questionnaire will remain confidential. Any information used will not make individuals identifiable.


Who to contact if you have questions, comments, or concerns?

You are encouraged to ask questions or raise concerns prior to providing consent. Please feel free to contact Dr. Narissra Punyanunt-Carter at or J.J. De La Cruz at If you have any questions or concerns regarding your rights as a study participant, or are dissatisfied at any time with any aspect of this study, you may contact the Institutional Review Board (IRB) office at 806-742-2064 or


Jorge Delacruz


Media and Communication
