
The Remnant Trust Annual Lecture on Liberty & Dignity
Full title: "More than Magna Carta: Medieval Law and the American Experiment"

Three years ago, the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta was celebrated. While the Great Charter, one of the most prize volumes in The Remnant Trust, rightly deserves its place in the canon of the western legal and political tradition, there are other texts, and other ideas, that played a crucial role as well. The lecture will examine a single example which is found in various books owned by The Trust. This example concerns a maxim originating in the Roman law, quod omnes tangit, ab omnibus approbetur (that which concerns all must be approved by all). Beginning in the Middle Ages, this phrase became a key argument used by those who sought to limit the power of government. Central to this presentation will be how writers during the English Civil War and the Founding of the United States used the phrase. It is Dr. Brasington's hope that this presentation will remind us of the rich heritage of freedom The Trust preserves and shares' no less should it call us to bring those ideas of freedom, limited government, and historical awareness to our own day.

Attendees will also have to opportunity to touch, hold, and feel the documents used in the presentation with their bare hands, including a ca. 1350 manuscript of the Magna Carta.

For parking information, please call (806) 742-0375

Alexander Root


Remnant Trust

Event Information
Time: 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Event Date: 4/25/2018

Formby Room, Southwest Collection/Special Collection Library
