
Want to Write about Food?

Fall 2018: ENGL 3351.004 Creative Nonfiction

Dr. D. Gilson

MW Noon – 1:20 pm  ·  CRN 13628

“There’s no sincerer love than the love of food,” the playwright George Bernard Shaw claims. We’ve all got something to say about food: through the pictures we post on Instagram, through the Yelp reviews we consult or write, through the dollars we spend at farmers markets or in drive-thrus. In this course we’ll learn to better write and think about food. The art of food writing requires an ability to translate your experiences and bring them alive for the reader through evocative language that appeals to the five senses. Whether you write about producing, preparing, or partaking of food, this course will show you how to make mouths water as you inform, educate, and persuade. We will explore local food cultures and discuss a spectrum of food writing — restaurant reviews, magazine articles, personal essays, recipe-centered pieces, and social and cultural commentary — and you will try your hand at a variety of forms.



Duane Gilson


