
Get your Fine Arts core class done over the summer!

Summer 2018 undergrad fine arts core: Music in Western Civilization

Stephanie Rizvi-Stewart (

COURSE: MUHL 1308 002 (CRN 71549) Music in Western Civilization

MUHL1308 is an introductory level class in music that fulfills three hours of the Visual and Performing Arts requirement in the Core Curriculum.  The course will be discussion and lecture based with additional online content and in class activities. It is designed to encourage appreciation of music through consideration of a variety of styles and musical periods, with an emphasis on source readings. We will focus upon great works of music that represent various styles and periods of music.


The purpose of this class is to increase quality and perception of the experience of music through tools aimed to enhance that experience, such as the ability to listen knowledgeably and critically to a given piece, the general understanding of the history and development of music in the western world, and the vocabulary to articulate the developed skills among colleagues.

Course requirements include reading and listening, in class discussion, short quizzes, a design-your-own final project, and attendance and brief report on two concerts.

Meets Monday-Friday, 10-11:50, English and Philosophy 305

CRN 71549


Stephanie Rizvi-Stewart


School of Music
