
An interesting course for Fall 2018 is available!

CHIN4308 Chinese grammar now is available for registration for the coming fall semester!

· Is this an interesting course?
YES!!!! This course will be very interesting because what you will do in the class is to find the lost pieces to complete a map of Chinese language! We will have a lot of fun activities in the classroom.

· What kind of activities are we going to do in the classroom?
1. In the first class of each topic, all students will do the Treasure Hunt in CMLL building to kick off the study on a specific topic.
2. In each module, you will make a project with your team members to complete a task. You will have one library time (no class) to work on your project with your partners or Chinese native speakers.
3. You will talk with Chinese native speakers about the grammar of Chinese (of course, in English), and you will found they might not know any of them that you know.
4. Have you tried to write a Chinese sentence by only pictures? Yes, in this class, we will do it.
5. Have you tried Chinese tongue twister? If not, in this course, let’s rock them!
6. Bored Lectures? No, No, No. Most of the time, we learn from playing games and activities.

· How will I be assessed in this course?
NO EXAM! Your attendance, classroom activities, projects, and the final essay (in English) will be graded.

· What are the benefits of taking this course?
1. You will have a sound foundation in Chinese language knowledge which can benefit your Chinese language learning, if at the same time, you are taking Chinese language course.
2. You will have a lot of hand-on activities for fun and give you a new experience of learning.
3. You will have many anecdotes that will happen in this class and can be shared in the parties, like the jokes caused by the Chinese pronunciation.
4. If you are taking both this course and other Chinese language courses, you will get your Chinese minor faster.

· Do I need to know Chinese language before taking this course?
NO, you do not need to know any Chinese language before taking this course.

· I am not a junior or senior. Can I take this course?
Yes, this course also allows the freshmen and sophomore to take.

· What can I learn in this course?
In this course, we will systematically introduce Chinese pronunciation system, vocabulary categories, sentence structures, grammar, and also writing system, comparing to the differences with English. Definitely, I don’t want to scare you by the technical terms, like phonetics, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and orthography. They are cool, right? But don’t worry, the goal of this course is not to make you all to be linguists. The goal is to let you know how Chinese people speak and what constitute their language.

· When and what time do I meet?
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 1-1:50 pm in CMLL 101.

If you have any question, please email Dr. Yanlin Wang,


Yanlin Wang


Classical and Modern Lang and Lit
