
Follow The Women's Studies Program on Social Media
From the pages of the first suffragist newspaper - to Ms. Magazine - to our current day Facebook and Twitter pages/hashtags, women and men have a long history of coming together to form consciousness-raising groups around the topic of gender equity.

Join us on Facebook and Twitter (@TTUWGS) to network, discuss current topics, be more informed about campus happenings, and stay up-to-date on events.
  • "The development of the social web--the set of digital tools that allow people to connect with one another and share their stories—offers extraordinary potential to change what voices get heard in the global conversation. This is unlike anything the world has seen in a thousand years. Change agents working to make the world a better place need not just to be on board with social media--we also need to drive and shape the conversation. Because whoever’s story gets heard is in the driver’s seat." - excerpt from Share This!: How You Will Change the World with Social Networking by Deanna Zandt
CONTACT:  Tricia Earl, Program Manager/Academic Advisor, Women's & Gender Studies, T (806) 742.4335, DOAK Hall RM 123.

Patricia Earl


Womens Studies Program
