
Separating From, And Getting Back With, A Former Romantic Partner
“Is that really a thing?”: A quest to understand the ambiguous and common phenomenon of separating from, and getting back with, a former romantic partner 

Amber Vennum, Associate Professor in Couple and Family Therapy at Kansas State University, will discuss the unexpected trials and surprising findings along her journey to understand romantic partners who find themselves stuck in the state of  “stable instability” known as relationship cycling or on-again/off-again relationships. The dynamics (antecedents, correlates,
and consequences) involved in this surprisingly common experience of separating and reuniting with a romantic partner  have important implications for romantic relationship development, family formation, and mental health and well-being  across cultures. 

As a scholar and practitioner, Dr. Vennum is interested in increasing young people's life-long chances for establishing healthy romantic and familial relationships through interventions during adolescence and young adulthood. These efforts currently include:

• Systemic trauma-informed interventions with schools to improve school climate, student and family engagement, and the mental health of children and adolescents; 
• Basic research on risk and resiliency factors influencing mental health and healthy relationship development during adolescence and emerging adulthood; and 
• Innovative formats for relationship education with adolescents and emerging adults. 
Dr. Vennum is the Executive Director of Relevate (Elevate Your Relationship), a multidisciplinary project to increase public access to relationship science and reduce disparities in relationship outcomes.

Sylvia Niehuis


Human Develop and Family Studies

Event Information
Time: 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Event Date: 10/11/2018

Human Sciences, Cottage
