
Image of Absence: A Poetry Reading and Conversation about Translations
Please join the TTU Creative Writing Program and Department of English for a reading from the book Image of Absence by the Mexican poet Jeannette Clariond and translated by Curtis Bauer. 

This will be a bilingual reading followed by a conversation about translation. You can stream this event live by clicking the following link the night of the reading:

Jeannette L. Clariond (Chihuahua, Mexico, 1949) grew up between languages, which influenced how she looks at the world, her vision of reality and her poetics. A prolific poet and translator, she has won numerous awards and prizes for her poetry collections, including the Premio Nacional de Poesía Efraín Huerta for the collection Deserted Memory ; the Premio Nacional de Poesía Gonzalo Rojas for Everything Before Nightfall ; her book Woman Turning Her Back was a finalist for the Premio Nacional de Poesía Ramón López Velarde; and Image of Silence was a finalist for the Premio Cope in Peru. In addition to her poetry, Ms. Clariond has translated more than twenty books of poetry by American and European authors, including Charles Wright, Primo Levi, Elizabeth Bishop and Anne Carson. Over the last twenty five years she has translated ten books by the Italian poet Alda Merini. In 2002 Ms. Clariond received a Conaculta Rockefeller Foundation grant for her translation of Charles Wright's Black Zodiac , and from 2000 to 2006 she worked with the acclaimed critic, Harold Bloom, at Yale University. During this time, she translated important poetic works from the United States and co-edited and subsequently published the anthology, The School of Wallace Stevens: A Profile of Contemporary North American Poetry ; the book was awarded the Latino Book Award's Best Translation Prize in 2013. Ms. Clariond is a collaborating member of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language, which has branches in Washington and New York. She is currently translating Anne Carson's book Nox into Spanish.

Curtis Bauer is the author of two poetry collections: Fence Line, which won the John Ciardi Poetry Prize, and The Real Cause for Your Absence. His translations include: Eros Is More, by Juan Antonio González Iglesias; From Behind What Landscape, by Luis Muñoz; and Baghdad and Other Poems by Jorge Gimeno. His poems and translations have appeared in Tin House, the Southern Review, The Literary Review, World Literature Today, and The American Poetry Review. He is publisher and editor of Q Avenue Press Chapbooks and Translations Editor for The Common Literary Journal. He directs the Creative Writing program and teaches Comparative Literature at Texas Tech University.

Curtis Bauer



Event Information
Time: 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Event Date: 10/11/2018

ENGL 001
