
Guiding Kids Through Media - Dr. Eric Rasmussen - HDFS Colloquium Series Speaker

The department of Human Development and Family Studies invites you to attend a talk by Dr. Eric Rasmussen, associate professor and Ph.D. Program Director in the College of Media & Communication at TTU, who will present his research on how to guide kids through media. Children today are the first generation in the history of the world to live in a media-saturated environment. Though parents are in the best position to help guide children through media, no parent has experience parenting in such an environment. Contemporary default parenting is restricting children’s media use; however, research shows that while protecting kids is good, empowering them is great. Dr. Rasmussen will share research on what parents can do to empower their children to navigate the media maze themselves. Much of his research focuses on how children are influenced by media and what parents can do to alter that influence.


Sylvia Niehuis


Human Develop and Family Studies

Event Information
Time: 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Event Date: 11/29/2018

Human Sciences, Cottage
