
Earn up to $100K with MEd in Applied Behavior Analysis

Earn up to $100K with MEd in Applied Behavior Analysis


The M.Ed. in Special Education with a concentration in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is unique in that it provides students the opportunity to advance their skills through an online learning program from anywhere in the world. In addition, the Behavior Analyst Certification Board, Inc.® has verified the course sequence as meeting coursework requirements for eligibility to take the Board Certified Behavior Analyst Examination®.

Behavior analysts often work as consultants to individuals, to schools, or to agencies such as child welfare organizations and residential treatment programs where their goal is to enhance abilities, performance, and overall quality of life of the children or adults who receive their services. Behavior Analysts often specialize in working with specific populations of individuals such as autism spectrum disorders, developmental disabilities, traumatic head injuries, mental health issues, early childhood populations, geriatric populations, etc.


According to Payscale Inc., the entry level national average salary for a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BACB) is $55K and $87K or more (some report salaries up to $120k) for experienced professionals. Salaries reported here are based on third party information and are not guaranteed.

If you are looking for a career in Applied Behavior Analysis we are recruiting for a Fall 2019 cohort.

For program information and application materials please visit:



Stacy Carter


EDUC Educational Psych Leadrshp Gen
