
Leaders of Texas Tech: Develop Your Staff with Talent Development

Leaders of Texas Tech: Develop Your Staff with Talent Development!

Collaborate with Talent Development to curate the best experiences to develop your team and staff this summer and fall!

In working with professionals across Texas Tech’s campus, I hear the same complaint repeatedly from staff and their leaders:

“We need more of these opportunities to grow in our job,”

“Our department needs this; I wish our leaders were on board.”

“We’re always putting out fires, we don’t have time to grow but I think I’m starting to burn out. This event gave me some hope.”

“I just wish we had time to do this with our staff.”

What does this mean? The cost of neglecting your team’s development is hurting you, your bottom line, and affecting morale and retention. Do something about it.

Think I’m making this up?

7 out of 10 people say that professional development affects their decision to stay at a company.
44% say a lack of career growth and advancement opportunities is their top source of stress.
40% admit they rarely or never provide career planning or development.
87% of millennials say professional development is very important to them.
Offering education opportunities makes you the cool boss (ok, I made that one up but it is probably true).

I can hear you now, “who has time for this?”

Let. Me. Help. Hire me, please. Email me back and let’s get to work or check out our offerings here

We can integrate training, coaching, books, and design a staff development experience they will love. Sound like fun? It’s easy. Hire someone to help you do it, so you can focus on your work and team.

That is why I want to work for you. The success of your department and leadership is too important to neglect.

Imagine if you took some time to intentionally develop your team. What could change? That one nagging issue your team is experiencing. Let us help. Let us not just train and leave. Let us work with you and for you to help your team perform at the best. We truly believe the leaders on this campus provide the starting place for true growth and transformation

What I can do for you (any or all of them!):

1) Curate learning experiences your team will enjoy: We do more than training, you can click here to see what we offer. We also offer our open-to-campus experiences like Summer Series, Leadership Book Club, as well as departmental experiences. Depending on the size and needs of your team, combine any experience that helps your team grow.

2) Cost you zero money: Let us consult with your team for free. We have pre-made or custom-made learning modules and we work with the best support system Tech has to offer.

3) Schedule out your event so ‘future you’ can let it go: We work with departments to schedule learning as far as a year out and as soon as a week or two out. The further scheduled out, the more likely you get the dates you want.

4) Give me 10 minutes of your time, I will find you: That’s not what I meant. I’ll gladly head to your office so we can talk. We can converse about your team’s needs and how I can help.

5) Follow up each training with practical application steps to hold your team accountable and maximize ROI on any event we do: I’ll email you specific ways to follow up on the training to apply the material to your team. This can ensure time isn’t wasted and that the learning you experience

6) Pick Books for you: Since we’ve been doing book club (more on that another time), I can pick books for your team with discussion questions that we’ve done before. I’ll give you all the material and you can lead your own book club with your team. The team that reads together, leads together. You can use that line when you’re with your team

Let’s make it easy for your team to love their job. Let’s work together! Just email me and let’s talk or check out our education modules here


Trey Gardenhire


Human Resources
