
Scientific Computing meets Machine Learning and Life Sciences
Scientific Computing meets Machine Learning and Life Sciences
October 7-9, 2019, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX

A variety of challenges in scientific computing on machine learning related to problems in the life sciences have emerged in recent years, and a workshop-type environment is needed to bring together a diverse group of scientists working in various areas of computational mathematics, statistics, computer science and life sciences to advance the state-of-the-art statistical analyses for machine learning in the life sciences, and to further develop mathematical and computational methods in these rapidly developing fields.  The workshop will consist of presentations, posters and group discussions which will stimulate an intensive exchange of ideas, foster fruitful interactions, identify challenges, promote interdisciplinary collaborations and initiate joint research projects.

Each member of the organizing committee is a specialist respectively in mathematical biology and life sciences, applied artificial Intelligence (AI), statistical analysis on machine learning (ML) and big data, and computational mathematics on scientific computing.  The workshop organizers are:
Linda Allen, Mathematics & Statistics
Rattikorn Hewett, Computer Science
Jinyong Su, Mathematics & Statistics
Chunmei Wang, Mathematics & Statistics

The workshop will be held in Matador Room in Student Union building on the campus of Texas Tech University in Lubbock, TX from Monday October 7 - Wednesday October 9, 2019.  For complete details, see the conference website


Betty Thomas


Mathematics and Statistics
