
Menstrual Product Donations- Indigenous Peoples Awareness Month

As part of Indigenous Peoples Awareness Month, the SHARC lab, in partnership with Raiderland Native American Student Association (RNASA), will be collecting donations of disposable menstrual products (pads & tampons). All donations will be sent to the Kwek Society, which distributes menstrual products to local Indigenous people. Collection bins are in the Psychology Building main office and in the hallway outside of PSY B12. Monetary donations may be given to the Psychology main office. All received funds will be used to purchase products at the end of the month.


**Please only donate unopened products in their original packaging.**


Donations will be accepted from now through November 30th. 

Other drop-off locations include:

-Identity Panel at 4:00-6:00pm Wednesday November 13th in the Lanier Auditorium of the Law School

-Native Veda food showcase and meal at 5:00pm-7:00pm Tuesday November 19th in the Library Croslin Room South

-Movie Night: screening of "More Than a Word" A Movie about the Washington R*dskins at 5:00pm-7:00pm Friday, November 22nd in the SUB Escondido Theater


Phoenix Crane


Psychological Sciences
