
Last Chance for Fall 2019! Study on Video Games & Nostalgia ($5, 30 minutes)

Researchers in the College of Media and Communication are looking any members of the TTU community over the age of 18 (students, faculty, staff, friends, & neighbors) willing to participate in a study about nostalgic experiences when playing video games. The study has two components: 

  • A brief (10-minute) online survey where participants are asked basic demographic questions, as well as questions about their video game experience
  • A longer (20-minute) in-person video gameplay session (in MCOM052), followed by a short survey 

The study is completely voluntary, and all participants who complete both parts of the study will receive a $5 cash payment at the conclusion of their gaming session (no payment is offered for the online survey); participants will also be entered into a drawing for one $50 gift card. Email addresses will be collected to contact participants and organize study sessions, but your participation will be kept strictly confidential, and no identifying information will be stored with your study data.

Although this is a study on video games, you do not need any experience with video games to participate. The study will take 30 total minutes of your time. To participate in the study, please visit: This study is on record with TTU's Institutional Review Board, #2019-890.

For more information, please contact the primary investigator: Dr. Nick Bowman, Associate Professor, Journalism and Creative Media Industries,, 806-834-7910, Room 512 MCOM Tower.


Nick Bowman


CoMC Dept of JEM
