
Cyber-Physical Security Certification
Texas Tech's National Wind Institute (NWI) is part of the workforce skills training program awarded last year by the Governor's office and the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC). As part of the program, NWI is working with academic and industry partners on curriculum development for Cyber-Physical Security Training in the energy and water industry. One of the program milestones is to prepare a new module on Wind Energy Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and cyber-physical security for an existing course in the Wind Energy Program.

If you are interested in receiving a certification of completion for the module as part of the program, you are required to complete the module, take a quiz, and complete a TWC employment eligibility form. For further information and to access the training modules, please contact Dr. Manohar Chamana, After completing the modules, you will submit information on Google forms to receive the eligibility packet. After completing the eligibility packet, you will submit the information via a secure platform sent to the email address you provide in the form. The solicited information will be securely maintained, as required by TWC, and will be counted as a partial completer of the program module, and the certification.

Tracie McClaran


Strategic Partnership
