
What is the Race, Class and Gender Lens?
#BlackLivesMatter, #SayHerName, #VDay, #HeforShe, #StandwithStandingRock, and other digital awareness campaigns are still active, locally and globally, in the time of COVID-19. How do we move beyond these hashtags to then work for equity on all levels of social, political and economic systems?  How does our location in the global world impact our own consciousness to want to work for this change? Taking WGS 2305.D01 this summer II with professor Sara Peso White, will provide you the space to break down and through barriers that can limit our willingness to understand, connect, and act.  Professor White brings a unique perspective to her teaching style.  Her research is based in the teachings and critics of indigenous educational scholars. Using traditional readings and alternative media tools such as; visual art, and literary mediums, this class is intended to provide you a foundation to critical thinking practices for any field of study.


WGS 2305.D01 CRN 73571 also counts for the CORE multicultural and social and behavioral science credit for all students.  You do not need to be a minor to take this course.  It is open to all students.


Register today!

 CONTACT: Tricia Earl, Program Manager/Academic Advisor, Women's & Gender Studies, T (806) 742.4335


Gloria Virginia Flores


