
Accessibility is for Everyone! Upcoming Events
9/27- Day of Accessibility: Use the access buttons, find the ramps around campus, seek out the accessible parking spots, or other accessible campus features. Take a selfie with them, post your picture to Instagram, and tag us @ttu_sds. Come by the office and show us your photo to receive a Bahama Bucks BOGO voucher! Names of participants will be entered into a drawing for larger prizes. 

9/29- Deaf Bingo: Come play Deaf Bingo, learn ASL, and have fun with your friends. Attendees will have a change to win prizes from local businesses! Wall/Gates Lobby, 5:30-7:30 pm. Refreshments provided. Open to all TTU students. 

10/1- The Creative Abilities Gallery at the First Friday Art Trail: Come our to support our SDS students as their art is showcased at the LHUCA Icehouse Gallery. Enjoy art galleries, vendors, food trucks, live music, and more! 6:00-9:00 pm.

Abbi May


Student Disability Services
