
2021 Campus-Wide Outreach and Engagement Assessment Underway!
The 2021 campus-wide assessment of faculty and staff Outreach and Engagement activities is now underway. We invite you to provide information on any academic work (teaching, research, creative activity, or service)  that you conducted forin, or with external communities between January 1, 2021 and December 312021

Faculty Reporting: DigitalMeasures (DM)!

Faculty members will be able to identify any outreach and engagement activities in the Teaching, Research, or Service sections of their DigitalMeasures accounts by selecting from a drop-down menu whether the activity involved “Outreach,” “Engagement,” or “Engaged Scholarship.” 

Staff and Unit Reporting: Raiders Engaged Online Survey!

TTU Staff should use the  Raiders Engaged Survey for the reporting of outreach and engagement activities. They may report individually conducted activities or submit aggregate data on any unit-sponsored activities.

The 2021 outreach and engagement assessment period formally closes on April 4, 2022 for Calendar Year 2021 submissions.

For further information, examples of outreach and engagement activities or to submit your project data, visit the Outreach and Engagement Assessment page.

Visit University Outreach & Engagement  or email 


Lindsay Rigney


University Outreach and Engagement
