
Health screening clinic on campus - recruiting now

The Spring 2022 session of the KSM Health Clinic is recruiting volunteers to participate in student-lead physical assessments which will take place April 11th – May 2nd. The purpose of this program is to provide preventative health assessments for faculty, staff, and graduate students at Texas Tech University with low health risk.  This clinic will allow students enrolled in the exercise testing and prescription course to participate in a real-world  health assessment environment and further develop their professional skills. Each eligible volunteer will have the following evaluations: body composition, resting heart rate and blood pressure, blood lipids (fats),  blood glucose, cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular endurance, and flexibility.  Protocols follow American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) guidelines.  Collectively, assessment data will be used to determine overall health-related fitness and design an appropriate exercise program.   An initial health screening survey must be completed and submitted to determine eligibility for inclusion into the program. 


Please support our department by completing the Initial Health Screening Survey and you will be contacted via email to schedule an appointment.


Thank you for your support of this important program. More information about our clinic can be found on the KSM Health Clinic website


Heidi Wiedenfeld


Kinesiology and Sport Management
