
Earn money to learn how to include vegetables in diet using herbs and spices!

We are looking for persons who have been diagnosed with high blood pressure ; above 18 years of age, who can cook, who have no food allergies, have access to a kitchen and internet and are able to be contacted by telephone to participate in a 6-week online research project with one month follow up. This study will evaluate the effect of culinary medicine using  recipes with herbs and spices to reduce sodium consumption, improve the consumption of vegetables, promote self-efficacy and healthy quality of life.


You will be required to complete two study questionnaires at the beginning and at the end of the study. You will record your diet intake once every two weeks, for the 6 week study period.  Participants will receive a digital weighing scale and digital blood pressure monitor to record their blood pressure and body weight at home. Some participants will receive cooking video demonstrations to include recipes with vegetables.


You will receive up to $120 if you participate!


Your participation in this study will be completely confidential and you can stop participating at any time during the study if you so desire.


For more information or if you are interested in participating, contact Dr Shannon Galyean, Principal Investigator at or Shin Shan Cho, Graduate Research Assistant, Phone: 415-695-4586

You can also email us at


Thank You!

This study has been approved by the Human Research Protection Program at Texas Tech University.


Shin Shan Cho


