
TechAnnounce: TTU Annual Property Inventory Certifications due June 30th

Certification reminder emails will begin April 1st and will be sent to all department Property Custodians and Delegates.  Email notifications will continue to be sent until the department’s inventory certifications have been completed. 

Do not wait until June 30 to begin certifying departmental inventory.  Sufficient time is needed to complete the certification process that includes physically verifying inventory tags are visible and correct serial number, location and condition are listed in the Property Inventory System. Updates to incorrect or missing information must be entered prior to certifying. Certifications submitted with blanks will be returned to allow necessary adjustments.  As of fiscal year 2022, the custodian may allow delegates the authority to process the submission and final approvals.

Off-campus equipment or equipment in restricted areas that the individuals performing the physical review do not have access to may be verified with photos that include the asset tag and serial number. The photos should be kept on record in the department. In addition, the location in the Property Inventory System for off campus equipment should be remote inventory. Off-campus equipment should be signed out of the department on a Temporary Use of Property Authorization form.

Property Inventory Resources:

Property Inventory System Guide

Property Inventory System

Property Forms

For questions or to submit Property inventory forms, please contact


Roxanne Buchanan


Accounting Services
