
7th Hispanic/Latinx Research & Creativity Symposium - Wed. 3/30

The Thomas Jay Harris Institute for Hispanic & International Communication and Institute for Latina/o Studies are pleased to announce the 7th Texas Tech University Hispanic/Latinx Research & Creativity Symposium to be held in-person and via Zoom on Wednesday, March 30, 2022. The symposium will feature research and creative work related to Hispanic/Latinx issues by Texas Tech faculty, staff, and graduate students working in various disciplines. Collaborative work is welcome. We are pleased to feature a keynote address by Regina Montoya JD, our Harris Distinguished Lecturer for 2022, 12:00-1:30 p.m. in CoMC room 156. She will speak on "Taking Center Stage: Opportunity, Responsibility and Necessity for Latinos to Create Our Own Story."  Box lunches will be provided.    

The basic schedule is as follows, the full schedule and Zoom connection information may be found at


9:00-10:30 a.m. – Concurrent Workshop & Panel I (CoMC rooms 156 & 266)

Workshop I  in CoMC 156

 “Café con Leche Plática: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome in the Latinx Community”


Culture, Health & Media  in CoMC 266

 “Developing a Culturally Competent and Inclusive Medical Education Course”

 “Communicating about the risk of breathing dust storm particles”

“Media, Linguistics and Translanguaging on the South Plains of Texas”


11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Concurrent Workshop & Panel II (CoMC rooms 268 & 269)

Workshop II   in CoMC 269 – pending confirmation

 “Let’s Talk about the DIM words: A Social Communication of Science Workshop” Epistemic diversity: RED Lab as an experiment” 


Research Perspectives   in CoMC 268

 “Hispanics/Latinx in?veterinary?science research: Thematic, and content analysis of research output indexed in Scopus, 2000-2022” 

 “US Spanish?bilinguals sentence processing of the Spanish ser passive: An eye-tracking study” 


12:00-1:30 p.m.Keynote Address by Regina Montoya with Q&A - "Taking Center Stage: The Opportunity, Responsibility and Necessity for Latinos to Create our Own Story." Box lunches provided - CoMC 156.


1:45-3:15 p.m. - Concurrent Panels III (CoMC 156 and 050)

Political, Corporal and Epistemological Perspectives in CoMC 156

"’In no wise marked by suavity or finesse’: Diego de Vargas and the Performance of Seventeenth-Century New Mexico Politics”

Bodies on the edge of survival: naked life, precarious work and necropolitics in Sun Mad and Wrath of grapes”

Unapologetically Chingona: Pushing Epistemological Boundaries through a Third Liminal Space”


Graduate Student Panel  in CoMC 050

“Danza Theologies: Performance Aesthetics & Spirituality in Mexican American and Indigenous Communities”

"Re-Imagining and Re-Claiming 'La Malinche' through the artwork La Malinche (1991) by Chicana artist Santa Barraza."

Fujimori's censorship in Peru: The case of Melissa Alfaro”


Please direct any questions to Javier Morales at


Kenton Wilkinson


CoMC Dept of JEM

Event Information
Time: 9:00 AM - 3:15 PM
Event Date: 3/30/2022

In CoMC bldg. and via Zoom
