
College of Architecture Exhibition Curated by Zahra Zafaverdi

Join the College of Architecture for the opening of the exhibition APPROXIMATING THESE ARID LANDS, in THE (OTHER) CORNER on March 28, 2022 at 5:00 PM CST.

This exhibition explores the southern Great Plains, its environmental, social, and temporal processes, and its operational extent. We have constructed visual and spatial narratives of this complex and multi-dimensional (semi)arid (sub)terrain environment. The work hopes to present a portion of these arid lands ever so slightly skewed from the real, testing the non-conventional processes of translation and subsequent alteration. The exhibition captures five contributions from five designers from five different disciplines: architecture, landscape architecture, Urban planning, land art, and computer science. Zahra Safaverdi has curated the whole show, creating a state of continuum where there is a granular transition from texturized data, fine sands, and mesquite coffee beans to mesquite mulches, materialized drawings, and larger models. Contributions vary from focused micro-scale proposals to featured pieces that would capture the entirety of the Great Plains. The bigger the geographical scope, the smaller the creations...

Mesquite Migration: Commonstudio (Kim Karlsrud and Daniel Phillips)
in collaboration with Erin Charpentier and Travis Neel
Temporal Textures: Brandon Cloutier
Drawing Water: Dalia Munenzon
Feigned Chronicles of the High Plains: Zahra Safaverdi

APPROXIMATING THESE ARID LANDS will open March 28, 2022 and run through May 2, 2022.

THE (OTHER) CORNER is a newly renovated exhibition space at the CoA located on the south-east corner of the ground floor across from the Gallery in room 102.

We look forward to seeing you at THE (OTHER) CORNER's inaugural event NEXT MONDAY, MARCH 28!


Lynsey Mims



Event Information
Time: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Event Date: 3/28/2022

102 Architecture Bld.
