
Patterns of Attention in Infants: Examining Motherese and Robotese

Infants and toddlers between the ages of 16-18 months are needed to participate in a research study about attention preference for robots and robot speech as compared to humans. This study will help us learn how infants and young toddlers allocate attention and interact with robots and robot speech. The impact and utility of robots in the current study will lay the groundwork for future studies on populations of children at risk for developmental delays and disorders. 

You will be asked to participate with your child in two fun filled visits to the Research in Early Development (RED) Lab. During these visits, your child will be asked to complete two play-based developmental assessments and an eye-tracking protocol, in which your child watches videos of a robot and human performing child appropriate songs and activities. Each visit will take about 30 – 40 minutes, and for participation, you and your child will receive a certificate of completion and a $25 Target gift card.

Interested participants should contact Miranda Cox, B.A. at

This study has been approved by the Human Research Protection Program at Texas Tech University.


Miranda Cox


