
Reminder: Proposal Assistance Program (Fall 2022) Internal Funding Opportunity

Please apply at 


The purpose of the Proposal Assistance Program is to help faculty increase research productivity and external proposal submissions. These grants will focus on initiating new lines of research (Research Seed Funding) or resubmissions of previously declined proposals (Proposal Resubmission). Each of these opportunities is intended to assist faculty who have exhausted their departmental, college, and start-up funding, but need a small amount of support to increase the competitiveness of an extramural proposal. Preference will be given to proposals submitted to competitive awards through federal funding agencies, but all proposals will be considered.

Research Seed Funding

The purpose of the Research Seed Funding is to provide initial funds to advance new research projects and areas for Texas Tech faculty that will result in an external proposal submission within 18 months.

Proposal Resubmission Funding

Proposal Resubmission Grants are designed to provide support to Texas Tech faculty whose grant proposals (usually from federal agencies) have been rejected. If possible, applicants should provide an unedited critique, or any other feedback provided from the agency/foundation/etc. Recipients will be asked to work with the Office of Research Development & Communication to improve their resubmission and address critiques as appropriate. Applicants are required to resubmit to an external funding agency within 18 months.



The Office of Research & Innovation Proposal Assistance Program is open to all full-time tenured, tenure-track, or research faculty at Texas Tech. Preference will be given to proposals from Assistant and Associate professors. Faculty may only receive assistance once per academic year. The purpose of these grants is to assist those faculty who have exhausted other local sources of funding and have immediate need for assistance.


Awards may be granted for varying amounts (typically $4,000 or less) and must be justified within the plan for proposal development. Requested amounts usually do not exceed 1% of the amount of the external funding opportunity being sought. The amount awarded may differ from the amount requested, and any over expenditures must be repaid by the applicant using department funds. All arrangements, expenditures, or other cost related activities should be managed by the applicant’s department or unit. Awarded funds may be used to purchase small equipment or pay for data collection (which may include travel costs), participant fees, student salaries (must include all fringe/tuition and fee waivers not covered by the department), or any other approved research expense related to a new or to-be-resubmitted research project. The proposal assistance grants will not cover faculty/staff salaries, non-research travel (such as conferences or agency visits), or any food and entertainment expenditures. All expenses must be arranged for by the applicant’s department in compliance with any federal, state, university, college, and department guidelines.


Leeann Slaughter


Research Development
