
Aquatic Entomology course at the TTU Center at Junction

Aquatic Entomology is being offered at the TTU Center at Junction ( in a two-week course in Summer I (31 May - 16 June): NRM4301-080 (undergraduates) and NRM6001-080 (graduates). Please contact Dr. Scott Longing ( if you have questions or to request additional information. 

"The course involves the study of aquatic insects and arthropod relatives in freshwater habitats. The biology, taxonomy and ecology of aquatic insects and some arthropod relatives are introduced, with an emphasis on fauna occurring in the watershed of the South Llano River. Lectures and laboratory learning outcomes are integrated with field activities at the Llano River Field Station and nearby natural areas within the watershed. Team based projects will support education and research programs at the TTU Center at Junction. Activities in the class will support the mission of the Llano River Field Station “to encourage, conduct and coordinate basic and applied research projects dealing with water/watersheds, invasive species, range management, natural resources, ecological restoration and environmental education in the Central Texas Hill Country.”


Scott Longing


Plant and Soil Science
