
How does breakfast affect your ability to lift?
We are conducting a research study to evaluate the effect of morning breakfast consumption on afternoon resistance training performance in regular breakfast consumers and skippers. If you are between the ages of 18 and 40 and regularly lift weights you may be eligible to participate. Everyone who participates will complete one initial testing session where you will have your body composition and bench press, squat and deadlift strength assessed. We would then ask you to come in two more times, separated by about a week, to perform a standard workout after consuming breakfast and lunch or just lunch. Breakfast and lunch will be provided on testing days. If you participate, you can receive results of your body composition and strength testing. If you would like more information or think you may be interested in participating, please let me know or email us at

This study has been approved by the Human Research Protection Program at Texas Tech University.

Matthew Stratton


Kinesiology and Sport Management
