
ancient Greek language course now only 3 hours per week

Are you trying to pick a language but having trouble squeezing five credits into your fall courseload?

Ancient Greek is now offered as GRK 1301 (3 credits).

This fall, 2022, it will meet MWF noon to 12:50pm. 

  • Do you want to learn about grammar and become a master of all languages?
  • Do you want to increase your English vocabulary by thousands of words?
  • Do you want to be able to read the great foundational works of human literature and science?
  • Do you want to read the New Testament in its original language?
  • Do you want to learn a funky new alphabet?
  • (Do you want to satisfy your language requirement?) 

Whether your future lies in engineering, law, medicine, biomedical research, writing, the ministry, or the cloistered life of academia, ancient Greek is applicable to the skills that you will need to develop.

Ancient Greek is not the easiest language you can take, and you won’t be able to speak with anyone in ancient Greek; but it is worth the effort, even if only to give your brain the workout it was hoping for.

Contact Professor William Tortorelli for more information:


ευ γαρ ισθι, η δ’ ος, ω αριστε Κριτων, το μη καλως λεγεινου μονον εις αυτο τουτο πλημμελες, αλλα και κακον τι εμποιει ταις ψυχαις.

For you know well, Crito, that to express oneself badly is not only faulty as far as the language goes, but does some harm to the soul.   – Plato, Phaedo 115e


William Tortorelli


Classical and Modern Lang and Lit
