TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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CHIN4300 Chinese Language and Culture Teaching Practicum, Fall 2022

This service-learning and career-oriented course is designed for Chinese minor and major students who are interested in teaching Chinese language and Chinese culture in K-12. It will introduce the Chinese linguistic and culture knowledge, the theories of foreign language acquisition, the pedagogical methods of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, teaching plan design, and Chinese culture projects organization. Students will have the hand-on experience in observing Chinese classes, designing the teaching plans, teaching Chinese language and culture, and organizing Chinese culture activities in K-12 schools.

Meets face-to-face 11:00 am – 12:20 pm, TTH in CMLL 113.

Like us on Facebook: TTU Chinese Language and Culture Association (we are offering Chinese language tutor, Chinese culture information, Chinese language events and activities, jobs of teaching English in China, online Chinese language learning resources, etc.) 

Contact Dr. Yanlin Wang ( for more information. 


Yanlin Wang


Classical and Modern Lang and Lit
