
Horticultural Therapy Kits for Military Members’ Mental Health Rehabilitation

The Use of Horticultural Therapy Kits for Military Service Members’ Mental Health Rehabilitation


Thank you for your interest in participating in our research study. Link to website at bottom of information sheet.


What is this research studying?

This research study will help us learn about the viability of at-home horticultural therapy kits and their effects on military service members' mental health. Horticultural therapy involves the active and passive interaction with plants to rehabilitate mental and physical ailments.


What will I be doing?

First off, we ask that all participants be military service members (current/previous) and be in Lubbock, TX or surrounding areas. Kits are available for $5 each. They are worth between $15-$25. If you do not have the funds, but would like to participate, please contact Alicia Thomas at Once you bring your HT kit home you will conduct a before-the-kit short survey and an after-kit survey. Participants can skip any questions they are not comfortable with and stop at any point. At the end of the survey, if interested, you will be given the opportunity to sign up for other horticultural therapy for military service member studies and be entered into a drawing for a $25 Amazon gift card as well as horticultural items.


Can I quit if I become uncomfortable?

Yes, absolutely. Your participation is completely voluntary. Dr. Catherine Simpson and Texas Tech University’s Institutional Review Board have reviewed this research project and think you can participate comfortably. However, you can skip parts of the research you are not comfortable with and stop at any time. You will keep all the benefits of participating even if you stop. Participating is your choice.


How long will participation take?

We expect with a beginning and ending survey and the conducting of the bonsai kit, this study will take 1 hour of your time.


How are you protecting privacy?

Your name will not be linked to any material in reports, publications, or presentations.  No one other than the researchers associated with this project will have access to the raw data.  All related documentation will be stored in the researcher’s locked office on a password protected computer. To protect your confidentiality, answers to the questions we asked will not be linked to the email you provide should you enter our drawings or wish to participate in further studies.


What will happen to my data?

Your information collected as part of the research, even if identifiers are removed, will not be used, or distributed for future research studies. If you wish to participate in further studies, you can provide us with your email at the end. We will contact you with information on these additional surveys later.


What are the benefits and risks of participating in this research?

There are no anticipated risks or benefits to your participation in this research.  We appreciate your time and effort with this research study. 

I have some questions about this study. Who can I ask?

The study is being run by Dr. Catherine Simpson and Alicia Thomas from the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences at Texas Tech University. If you have questions, you can contact Dr. Simpson at and 806-834-5691 or Alicia Thomas at and 806-834-2361.

Website link and about kits:



Alicia Thomas


Plant and Soil Science
