
Hygienic Food Plant Design Class This Fall

A  class is being offered this Fall for students (undergraduate and graduate) of all disciplines interested in Hygienic Design of Food Processing Plants.

If you are a student in food science, food safety, meat science, animal science, restaurant, hotel and institutional management, nutrition or industrial engineering, this class is a must!

This course will examine and introduce the principles of sanitary design of food plants and the concepts that are required to guarantee the production of safe food products while avoiding cross contamination. The design of food processing plants, warehouses, restaurants, and any other food service establishments requires the use of hygienic principles that are critical in the production of safe food. The course will introduce students to the areas that are required to evaluate the necessity for expansion, renovation, and/or design of a new food processing facility. By the end of the course, the students will acquire knowledge on theoretical aspects to be considered for site selection, layout selection and design considerations for a food plant (or food service) facility as well as developed skills and get acquainted in project preparations, estimations and cost/feasibility estimates of different equipment and materials in various food industries. A practical, hands-on prefeasibility study for specific commodities/food products will be conducted using the topics covered in class.

Previous projects include a brewery, a bacon processing plant, ketchup plant, powdered milk plant, a yogurt facility, flavored rum/spirits, frozen RTE chicken nuggets, and frozen croquettes, among others.

The class will be taught by Dr. Alejandro Echeverry, Associate Professor of Practice in Food Safety Microbiology &  Food Engineering at the Department of Animal and Food Sciences this coming Fall. The 3 credit-hour will be offered face-to-face and will meet once a week, on a 3-hour session [Tuesdays (T)], from 2:00 PM – 4:50 PM.   

It will be listed as follows:

· Undergraduate Students: FDSC 3306 (CRN 39156) – Food Plant Design

· Graduate Students: FDSC 5306-001 (CRN 39373) - Hygienic Design Of Food Processing Plants

If you are interested, or would like more information, please contact Dr Alejandro Echeverry at 806.834-8733, or stop by the Experimental Sciences Building (ESB) Office 302 (Building located North of the Biology Building; South of the track field).


Alejandro Echeverry


Animal and Food Sciences
