
McNair Explorers Program - Undergraduate Research Opportunity

Calling all First Year and Sophomore First Generation College Students! 

 The McNair Explorers Program is a preparatory program for First Year and Sophomore First Generation College students to introduce and prepare them for applying to the McNair Scholars Program and other research opportunities at Tech, which prepares undergraduate students for doctoral studies through involvement in research and other scholarly activities. McNair participants are either first-generation college students with financial need or members of a group that is historically underrepresented in graduate education and have demonstrated strong academic potential. McNair provides a series of workshops on research methods, data collection, research writing, and maintaining research budgets. These workshops culminate in an eight-week research summer program where students with their Faculty Mentor complete a research project that simulates graduate school level work.  The goal of the McNair Scholars Program is to increase graduate degrees awarded to students from underrepresented segments of society by helping them to experience graduate level research and providing them with focused advising on how to best prepare for applying to and attending graduate school.

 McNair Explorers will participate in several workshops and seminars each Fall and Spring semester that will prepare them for entrance into the McNair Scholars Program. Workshops and Seminars will cover topics such as: "What is Research?"; "What is Graduate School?"; "Why go to Graduate School?"; as well as classes on library research and research methods. Students that complete the McNair Explorers Program will be given preference for acceptance into the McNair Scholars Program, as well as introduced to the many research opportunities on campus.

 Applications will be due September 23, 2022




Jonathan Crider


PI Carol Sumner
