
2023 Scholarship Catalyst Program Applications Now Open

Applications are now open for the 2023 Scholarship Catalyst Program (SCP). The Offices of the President, Provost, and Research & Innovation have made available funds to promote research, scholarship, and creative output (construed broadly, including written publications, non-print presentations, curatorships, exhibits, and artistic performances) in areas traditionally not funded by major federal agencies. The goals of the program are to promote excellence in research, scholarship, and creative endeavors, to propel researchers into the next stage in their careers, and to increase external funding. 



Funds awarded under the SCP are to be used for research, scholarly-related and arts practice-related expenses, which may include graduate or undergraduate student salaries (not faculty salaries), specialized equipment, supplies, or other activities that will promote external scholarly engagement or competitive external funding proposals.



Faculty whose primary appointment is at Texas Tech University who propose research, scholarship, or creative endeavors in the Arts, Humanities, or Social Sciences (including law). Each faculty member may be PI (lead applicant) on only one SCP submission but may also be co-PI (assisting applicant) on one additional SCP submission, regardless of Arts, Humanities, or Social Sciences area. Faculty with current start-up funds are ineligible to participate as funded investigators or applicants but may participate as unfunded co-investigators for the SCP.



Applications are due via InfoReady no later than 5:00 PM CST on Monday, October 24, 2022. All expenses must be budgeted to begin January 1, 2023 and must be expended by December 31, 2023. Announcement of recipients will take place in late November or early December.



Additional information and the application can be found at under the Scholarship Catalyst Program (SCP) 2023 competition.

Leeann Slaughter


Research Development
