
Classroom WiFi Connectivity
In anticipation of the increased wireless needs coming out of the pandemic, the IT Division purchased a large quantity of network equipment in 2021 and 2022 to augment our existing infrastructure. However, due to major manufacturing shortages and supply chain issues, much of this equipment has been delayed, some for over a year, when usual receipt times were only a few weeks. Additionally, as new services, such as Top Hat, are implemented at TTU, and technology use in the classroom continues to increase, demand on the TTU wireless network increases. Unauthorized, consumer-grade network devices further hinder available bandwidth to faculty, staff and students and are being blocked as they are discovered. IT staff are working to address reported areas, particularly classrooms, by relocating access points, reconfiguring existing access points, and deploying new access points as they arrive. 

In the meantime, the following actions will help reduce the load on the wireless network: 
  • Reduce the number of devices connected to the TTU wireless network, particularly in classrooms. Many students have 3+ devices connected to WiFi (laptop, cell phone, iPad, smart watch, etc.). Please turn off devices that you do not need while in classrooms.
  • Many apps operate in the background; please close the apps that are not actively in use.
  • Use cellular data plan instead of the TTU wireless network if the cellular coverage is good in your location. The Office of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) has worked with AT&T to enhance cellular coverage, for all major carriers, on campus via the Distributed Antenna System (DAS) to augment our WiFi infrastructure. 
We apologize for the inconvenience this is causing, and we appreciate your continued patience as we work together to find solutions. IT staff are continuing to work with our vendor partners to expedite orders and shipping where possible. If you are in need of assistance, please contact IT Help Central at 806.742.4357 (HELP) or via email at

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