
Interviews all participants will receive a $25 Amazon gift card.


·       A current undergraduate Texas Tech University Students! Are you:

·       Are your parents involved in helping you to manage your COVID-19 related trauma?

·       At least 18 years but not older than 24 years?


If you answered “yes” to all of the above, then you qualify to participate in focus groups and semi-structured interviews on a research project on “THE ROLE OF PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT IN COVID-19 PANDEMIC TRAUMA RECOVERY IN UNDERGRADUATE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS”


I am a doctoral candidate in the Educational Psychology program at Texas Tech University, and I am invited undergraduate students to participate in my dissertation study, I am exploring university students’ perceptions of the impact of COVID-19 on their mental health and trauma, as their perceptions on the role parents played in their COVID-19 trauma recovery.


Your help is greatly appreciated, If you would like to participate in the study, Please contact Suzan Yesil through (email or 806 507 0866), to set up a 90-minute focus group discussions that will be conducted online via Zoom. If you participate, you will be one of 7 people who will take part in the focus group discussion. Semi-structured interview 60-minute via Zoom. A copy of the transcript will be provided to the consenting participant for review and accuracy. Participation in this study completely voluntary and involves the focus group discussion or semi-structure interview.

Research participation is completely confidential.

All Participants will receive a $25 Amazon gift card. 


·       This study has been approved by the Human Research Protection Program Texas Tech University. You can ask them questions at 806 742 2064 or email

·       This study is being supervised by Dr.Lee Duemer in the Texas Tech University College of Education. If you have questions, you can call him at 806-834-0492 or email

·       Suzan Yesil, Educational Psychology PhD candidate,Texas Tech University College of Education, email or 806 507 0866


Thank you for your consideration,


Suzan Yesil Hafizoglu


