
Optimizing Your Tenure Track Faculty Application & Interviews

Join Dean David Perlumutter from the College of Media and Communictions for the “Optimizing Your Tenure Track Faculty Application & Interviews” workshop! Since July 2013, David D. Perlmutter has been a professor in and dean of the College of Media & Communication (CoMC) at Texas Tech University. He is the son of two professors and so likes to think of academia as his “family business.” Perlmutter has been described by a Chronicle of Higher Education editor as a “household name among American professors” because of the widespread readership of some two decades of his writings on academic careers and higher education processes for the Chronicle and other publications. His most popular work is: Promotion & Tenure Confidential: The People, Politics, and Philosophy of Career Advancement in Academia. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2010.)

The ultimate short-term aim of those seeking full-time careers in higher education is the tenure track, assistant professor position at an “R1” research university. While the expectations, processes, and demands of individual disciplines can vary, even from institution to institution, there are certain eternal and common traits of the applications and interviewing style of successful applicants. In this workshop we are going to review how you can put your best professional self forward to impress search committees and final deciders in the academic hiring process.

This session will be hybrid. Guests can join in person or those that cannot attend in person, a link to the Zoom meeting will be included in your confirmation email.

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Maryellen Baeza


Graduate School

Event Information
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Event Date: 11/9/2022

Graduate Center / Zoom
