
Cody Scrivner: A Defeatist’s Guide to Capitalism...
Do you feel anxious, overwhelmed, and tired in a way that no amount of sleep can fix? Do you flinch every time you get a notification, fearing that it’s another unprecedented event or your racist uncle? Does it feel like you can’t keep living this way? Well Cody doesn’t have the answers for you, but look a distraction. Cody’s work parodies and mocks the issues and anxieties living under a late stage capitalist society dominated by the spectacle. It is the discomfort of living under these pressures, need or desire to cope, and ways of coping that he is concerned with in his artistic practice. Cody seeks to subvert and recontextualize these icons, narratives, and products of popular culture with the very issues that we try to escape from. What would the narratives, characters, or icons look like ripped from their idyllic or semi-idyllic context and placed within ours? How would products and how they are marketed at us look if they were more honest with their intent and attitude towards consumers? What would America look like if it acknowledged its absurdities and inequalities instead of pushing this packaged idea of American middle-class normalcy? What would a Saturday morning cartoon look like if it could have a panic attack? 
Please join us in an MFA lecture that brings together the research and thoughts of Cody Scivner’s previous two years of the MFA program. 

Cody Scrivner is a third year MFA candidate with an emphasis in Printmaking. He was born and raised in Batesville, Arkansas. Cody received his undergraduate degree in Art Education from the University of Central Arkansas. While there he discovered the beauty of printmaking and fell in love with the medium. Not to play favoritism, but he has a particular fondness for screen printing, but please don’t tell relief block printing. Prior to graduate school, he worked as a high school art teacher while maintaining his art practice on the side. He participated in a few events and shows with the Arkansas Society of Printmakers during this time, including their Big impressions show. He has also worked with several art camps over the years including UCA’s after school art camp and Texas Tech’s Pre-College-Immersion Program. Cody enjoys long walks on the beach, perfect registration, PBRs, and doom-scrolling until four in the morning to drown out his existential dread.       

Click here to attend the Fall 2022 MFA Lecture via Zoom! 
The MFA lecture meets the part of the requirement necessary to receive the MFA degree from the School of Art.

Madeline Castillo


School of Art

Event Information
Time: 12:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Event Date: 11/11/2022

MCoM Building Room 286
