
Summer Study Abroad in Sicily? Information Session Today (Friday, 11/18) 1:30

Thinking about studying abroad? Consider joining us in Sicily in June! Students will take two core classes, Italian Culture (ITAL 2307) and World of Greece (CLAS 3320) while living in the beautiful city of Siracusa on the island of Sicily. 


Information session Today (Friday 11/18) at 1:30 in CMLL 001.


For questions or more information, contact or

Sicily, like Texas, has had many flags. From its earliest inhabitants such as the Phoenicians and the Greeks, through its conquests by the Romans, Moors, Normans, Spanish, and Italians, the island has developed a culture unique to Italy and the Mediterranean. Each of these societies brought to Sicily their own cultural values, aesthetics, religions, and politics, which continue to shape the Sicily we encounter today. Students who join us will trace the impact of these multicultural influences on modern day Sicilian life, with a special focus on food, language, and cultural traditions.

We will be based in the city of Syracuse, one of the most important Greek colonies in the ancient world and a thriving cultural center today. In World of Greece (CLAS 3320, fulfills Multicultural requirement), we will visit ancient theaters, temples, ports, and museums to deepen our understanding of Greek culture. In Italian Culture (ITAL 2307, fulfills LPC requirement), students will examine Italian cultural artifacts with a focus on the history of Italian linguistic development and the history of food culture, discovering the ways in which the intertwining of these two strands has shaped modern Italian culture. Both classes will encourage students to observe and reflect on how Sicily’s past affects its present and how its present can imprint itself on its past.

Other outings include markets, vineyards, cooking classes (pasta! Cannoli!), restaurants, and more. There will also be daily opportunities to beat the heat at the beach!


Cornelia Roy


Classical and Modern Lang and Lit
