
Jacob Robertson: Stories Pt 2  
Please join us in a MFA lecture that brings together the research and thoughts of Jacob Robertson’s previous two years of the MFA program. Jacob’s research encompasses many areas of material study. Working with clay wood metal and found objects as well as created ones, he focuses primarily on feelings of nostalgia. Jacob has been mostly interested in the pairing of material and the use of strange forms to create interesting visual fields and absurd objects. This loaded word, nostalgia, while inundated with historical and cultural baggage, presents a duality of feelings, a space between joy and sadness, a rich memory that is false and filtered by the individual. This balance created by these emotional opposites leaves space for the feelings Jacob aims to evoke, a penumbra.   

Jacob Robertson is a third year MFA Candidate at Texas Tech with an emphasis in Ceramics. He is a contemporary artist working in the area of ceramics and mixed media with a BFA degree from the University of Kentucky.  
The MFA lecture meets the part of the requirement necessary to receive the MFA degree from the School of Art.

Madeline Castillo


School of Art

Event Information
Time: 12:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Event Date: 11/18/2022

MCoM Building Room #268
