
Portuguese 5355: Readings in Luso-Brazilian Literature

Introduction to Fernando Pessoa

This graduate course features an introduction to some of the main works by Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa. The course will focus on his poetry, fictional prose, and theatre. Fernando Pessoa is considered one of the most influential figures in European Modernism.

   The author will be studied in the larger context of Portuguese and European Modernism(s). Pessoa’s contemporaries such as Mário de Sá-carneiro, Luís de Montalvor and Almada Negreiros; along with literary journals such as Orpheu and Contemporânea will be featured.

      Topics include: Dictatorships, Nationalities and Nationalisms; Race and Empire; Issues of Gender and Genre. Modernism and Avant-Gards, Art-for-Art sake vs. Engagée movements, Early twentieth-century culture, Comparative Modernisms in the Iberian Península, Europe and Latin-America.

  Predominant theoretical approaches will privilege cultural studies/gender studies/Post-colonial studies, although students may pursue any other theoretical/critical orientations.

The class will be conducted in Portuguese. Students may write papers in other languages, with instructor’s approval.

 It serves the Portuguese minor for MA/PhD students in Spanish or in any other graduate program at TTU.

 Requirements: completion of Portuguese 5341 or instructor’s authorization.

 Required Books by Fernando Pessoa (in Portuguese):

 1.O Banqueiro  Anarquista (novella)

2.O Eu Profundo e os outros Eus (poetic anthology)

3.O Marinheiro (theatre)

4.O Livro do Desassossego (essay/fiction; excerpts)

 For more information, please contact:


Lisa Melendez


