
Complete a Dehydration Research Study and Earn $200

Title: “The effect of dehydration on sleep and anabolism

Recruiting: Men (18-35 years old) who are resistance trained for >1yr (2x/week)

Measurements in this study include urine specific gravity, bio-electrical impedance, muscle ultrasound, sleep parameters, plasma osmolality, rate of perceived exertion (RPE), visual analog pain scale (VAS), heart rate variability, body composition. Also, a small piece of muscle (the size of a rice grain) from your thigh will be collected at 6 different time points over 2 weeks.

There is moderate discomfort for obtaining your muscle (aching and cramping), as a small incision will be made to obtain the piece of muscle from your thigh. You can stop your participation in this study at any point if you are not comfortable with research measurements, but this will terminate your participation in this study.

If you choose to participate in this study, we will ask that you visit the Applied Exercise Physiology and Sports Performance laboratories in the Department of Kinesiology and Sport Management for a total of 9 visits over 2 weeks. 

Visit1 (informed consent) will be about 0.5 hours in duration.

Visit 2 (familiarization, providing sleep tracker and repetition maximum testing for leg press and knee extension) will be about 1 hour in duration.

For visits 3 to 5 (establishing hydration baseline), you will provide a morning urine sample followed by bodyweight measurement and bioelectrical impedance analysis. On Visit 5, DEXA will be performed as well. Each of these visits will be about 5 minutes.

For visits 6 (RE visit), you will complete two lower body exercises (i.e., leg press and knee extension) either with the hydrated or dehydrated state. RPE will be taken after before exercise, between each set, and after the exercise. VAS will be taken before exercise, immediately after exercise, 1h, 3h, and 24 h. Muscle ultrasound will be taken before exercise, immediately after exercise, 10 mins, 15 mins, and 30 mins. BIA will be taken before exercise, 3h after exercise and 24h after exercise. We will collect heart rate variability data, DEXA, as well as urine, blood, and muscle samples before and 3h after the RE. Each of these visits will last for about 4h. This visit will be the same as Visit 8.

For visits 7 (24h after Visit 6), bodyweight measurement, BIA, DEXA, urine and blood samples will be collected. This visit will be the same as Visit 9. This visit will be about 0.5 hours in duration.

There will be approximately 2 weeks between two RE visits 6 and 8.

Participants that complete all aspects of this study will be compensated $200.

If interested and is resistance trained for >1yr (2x/week), and you DO NOT have the following:

1. Orthopedic limitations, e.g., knee or hip injury that could prevent you to complete a heavy back squat

2. Use of any tobacco products
3. Use of steroids

Please send your contact information (512-618-4244).

This study has been approved by the Human Research Protection Program at Texas Tech University and is directed by Dr. Hui Ying Luk and Dr. Yasuki Sekiguchi, Assistant Professors in the Department of Kinesiology and Sports Management, who can be contacted at and


Nigel Jiwan


Kinesiology and Sport Management
