
Sonic Foundry Mediasite Training on February 15, 11am-2pm (CT)

The TTU Information Technology Division invites the TTU community to attend a Sonic Foundry educational opportunity on Wednesday, February 15, 11am-2pm (CT). Our TTU Mediasite Enterprise Video platform supports lecture capture, video delivery, and other business and instructional use.  The campus training is an excellent opportunity for faculty and staff to discover new resources, engage with Mediasite experts, view demonstrations of product capabilities, and enhance personal understanding and proficiency with our enterprise video platform.


The educational event will include the following topics from Sonic Foundry professionals:

  • Overview of Sonic Foundry Roadmap
  • New Products and Features
  • Mediasite 8 Highlights
  • Accessibility
  • Mediasite Mosaic
  • Engage with Sonic Foundry: Questions & Answers

Sonic Foundry will provide lunch, so please RSVP by February 10 to if you plan to attend in person to ensure that we have ample food for all attendees. 


If you cannot attend in person, we will live-stream the event, so you do not miss any of the information presented by the Sonic Foundry professionals.


Event Details

Date: Wednesday, February 15

Time: 11am-2pm (CT).

Location: This event will be held in the Student Union Building Red Raider Lounge. We will also provide a Zoom Livestream for those who cannot attend in person. Please RSVP by contacting IT Events (, and we will send you the calendar invitation and Zoom access information.


IT Events


Technology Support

Event Information
Time: 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Event Date: 2/15/2023

This event will be held in the Student Union Building Red Raider Lounge.
