
EcoTech's First General Meeting!

Founded to respond to global environmental challenges, from agricultural degradation to climate crises, and to prompt changes to undergraduate education to respond to these challenges, this student-led organization aims to encourage students to cultivate awareness and respect of the natural environment and to engage in measures to foster sustainability on the TTU campus and beyond.

Eco-Tech’s main goal is to create a corps of student leaders–better known as eco ambassadors–devoted to environmental issues. Their first objective is to develop an agenda and then enact measures at TTU to render the university more environmentally conscious and engaged in actions that promote environmental sustainability. EcoTech’s guiding principles stress both the interconnectedness of all living and non-living identities and the fact that humans, as a keystone species, play an imperative role in preserving the well-being of the natural environment. EcoTech is open to all students, even though the organization is housed within TTU’s Honors College.

The general meeting will open ecoTech to all students on Texas Tech campus on Thursday, February 16th. Students will be introduced to ecoTech's guiding principles and each of the Eco Ambassadors serving as the club officers. Then, volunteer and social events will be listed for new members to encourage involvement within the organization and to "Green Up" Texas Tech.

This announcement is represented by a registered student organization.


Riley Jakino



Event Information
Time: 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Event Date: 2/16/2023

Sub Mesa Room #217
